#FindYourLab with Emily Fairbank

宝盈娱乐app知道,在可持续生活方面,小小的改变会带来很大的影响. 为了帮助纳什维尔做出小小的改变,我们正在帮助社区里的每个人找到他们的实验室.

“我受到鼓舞,要在我的一生中尽我所能,确保我们身后的所有生物都能安全生活, healthy, and enjoyable life.”

Emily Fairbank, Planner
Advanced Product Planning, Nissan North America
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Emily, where is your lab?

My lab goes with me everywhere I go. 我的可持续发展之旅从家里开始,但很快扩展到我生活的各个领域. 我丈夫和我做的第一件事就是停止使用所有的塑料袋, ziplock, etc). 这是一小步,但帮助我进入一个更可持续的心态. After that, it became easier to change our habits. Within a few weeks, we were bringing containers to the grocery, buying in bulk, learning to make our own foods or products at home, and even composting. 我们改变的每一个新习惯都激励我们在生活中寻找其他可持续改善的地方.

尽管我对我生命中迄今为止所做的改变感到很有成就感和自豪, 实现可持续变革的最大机会来自与他人分享. 我坚信,我们的声音是推动变革最有力的工具, and that’s why I share this passion often with my family, friends, and coworkers. 看到我的父母在杂货店里努力只使用可重复使用的袋子,这很令人兴奋, my friends learning to compost, and my coworkers being more cognizant of proper recycling. 我在周围的人身上看到的变化给了我希望,如果我们都继续和我们生活中的人谈论可持续发展, we can be a domino effect of positive change.  

What has been your biggest challenge or question?

Avoiding single used plastics, composting and recycling (properly), shopping locally, driving a low/no emission vehicle…the list goes on. 如今,要过一种可持续的生活方式需要付出额外的努力,而且并不总是负担得起. 我花了很多时间思考如何让每个人都能实现可持续发展.  Can it be made mainstream? In a perfect world, 可持续发展不应该只属于那些负担得起或有额外时间的人. 我认为在这个领域有很多改进和创新的机会.

How did you get interested in sustainable living?

16.4% of landfill waste in Nashville is plastic

My journey to sustainable living began in March 2019. 我在网上看到一篇宝盈app注册塑料泛滥的文章. It was a hard pill to swallow. 直到那一刻,我才意识到我也是问题的一部分. One plastic water bottle here, 在你意识到世界上每个人都是这么想的之前,这似乎从来都不是什么大不了的事. However, 我想这意味着改变也可以以同样的方式发生——一次一个人.

What keeps you motivated to make sustainable changes?

Growing up, 我妈妈鼓励我把事情做得更好——我认为我们每个人在这里都有同样的责任. 在我的生活中做出这些改变,并鼓励我周围的人也这样做,这不仅仅是现在的事情. 这是为了我们的后代——我们的孩子、孙子和曾孙. 我受到鼓舞,要在我的一生中尽我所能,确保我们身后的所有生物都能安全生活, healthy, and enjoyable life.

Emily and her mom at the Nashville Farmer’s Market

Describe a time when you inspired others to live more sustainably.

去年秋天,我找到了一个将可持续发展引入我的办公室的机会. 我开始注意到我的很多同事都在扔瓶子, cardboard, and papers that could easily be recycled. 希望能减少垃圾中可回收物品的数量,让我的团队意识到这一点, I created a simple recycling center behind our desks. 一个箱子放纸/纸板,一个放玻璃,一个放塑料,最后一个放金属. 每个人的反应都很积极,我很惊讶地看到垃圾箱很快就被填满了. 每隔一周清空所有的垃圾桶需要一点额外的努力, 但是,知道其他人正在花时间在宝盈娱乐app中有一个更可持续的心态,这是完全值得的.

What advice do you have for others to make sustainable changes?

Start small. 想到所有你可以做出改变的领域,有时甚至会阻止你开始你的可持续发展之旅,这是压倒性的. Begin by carrying a reusable water bottle. Refuse single-use plastics. Know where your recycling centers are (and what they accept).  Support local farmers. Shop second-hand before buying new. Create a compost pile. There are endless ways to get started. 一旦你开始,你会发现那些曾经很难做到的事情变成了习惯. Over time, living sustainably is just part of your routine!


Tennessee Women in Green, or TWIG. 这个宝盈娱乐app对我的可持续发展之旅是一个不可思议的补充. Before attending, at times I felt frustrated and alone; that I was the only one in my city trying hard to make a difference. But after attending my first meeting, that feeling changed. 我周围有一群人,他们都对可持续发展充满热情,让我有动力为社区做更多的事情. I leave each meeting feeling inspired. 对于任何在旅途中感到孤独的人来说,这是一个你想成为其中一员的社区!

What is your sustainable vision for the city of Nashville?

我希望可持续发展成为纳什维尔持续发展的前沿. As a city on the rise, 我认为纳什维尔有一个独特的机会,不仅是把自己打造成音乐之城, 同时也是一个拥抱并优先考虑可持续实践的城市, serving as a model for other cities all across the country. 我希望看到州/地方政府制定更多可持续的政策. Improvement in our waste management system. Increasing number of vehicle charging stations.  发展公共交通,更多适合步行的社区,LEED建筑和经济适用房. 可再生能源驱动的建筑和家庭数量增加. But most importantly, 我希望纳什维尔的每个公民都能提高对可持续教育和实践的认识和渴望.

“Start small. 想到所有你可以做出改变的领域,有时甚至会阻止你开始你的可持续发展之旅,这是压倒性的.”


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